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2023 District 5 Holstein Show

2023 District 5 Holstein Show

Columbia County Fairgrounds, Portage • Tuesday, June 20

Judge Shawn Nehls

97 head shown (75 heifers, 22 cows)

Spring Calf, exhibitors 10 & under (4)

1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Boeld Showtime Electra-ET, BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

2. (2JR) Ladyrose Dolly-ET, Paradise Rueth, Oxford

3. (3JR) Fossum Ron Burg Jordyn-Red, Kelby & Elizabeth Fossum & Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi

4. Hammertime Drman Pollyanna, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette

Spring Calf (6)

1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Boeld Showtime Electra-ET, BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

2. (2JR) Boeld D-Man Dumpling-Red-ET, BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

3. (3JR) Boeld D-Man Darlin-Red-ET, BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

4. (4JR) Bigten A Combination-Red, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

5. Sugar-Breeze Analyst Rosita, Derek Gehin, Baraboo

6. (5JR) Ladyrose Dolly-ET, Paradise Rueth, Oxford

Winter Calf (15)

1. (B&O) Hammertime Tstorm Rissa-ET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette

2. Mell-View Sfest Darla, Mell-View Farms, Poynette

3. Rosedale Hier Echelon, Rosedale Genetics Ltd, Oxford

4. Riedel-Ridge Party-Red-ET, Taylor & Kelsey Riedel, Pardeeville

5. (1JR) Frozenes Moovn Patsey-Red, Holly Swan, Westfield

6. KnH-Endres Awesom Atlas-Red, KnH Endres Farm LLC & Martin Kinyon, Reedsburg

7. Riedel-Ridge Daisy-Red-ET, Taylor & Miranda Riedel, Pardeeville

8. (2JR) Hillside-Haven Hancok Cheer, Kelby & Elizabeth Fossum & Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi

9. (3JR) Riedel-Ridge Dolly-Red-ET, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

10. (4JR) Vo-Grin Chief Adele, Hadley Voegeli, Poynette

Fall Calf (18)

1. (B&O) Walk-Era Sidekick Reece, Walk-Era Farms Inc., Wisconsin Dells

2. (1JR) Lyn-Vale Master Kenley, Ava & Ivy Hebgen, DeForest

3. Ms Hamrtime GK Unix Vivilyn, Callie Krohlow & Genavieve Knaup, Poynette

4. (2JR, JrB&O) Big Ten Handsome Flirt, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

5. (3JR) Elon Ron Burg Admire 2208, Kelby & Elizabeth Fossum & Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi

6. KnH-Endres Artist Ash, KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

7. (4JR) Ms Unix Naughty Nikki, Paige Sweatt, Dane

8. Nk-Stef D Back in Black-ET, Niki & Kelsi Steffenhagen, Kenosha

9. (5JR) Big Ten Dl F-Bomb, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

10. (6JR) RK-Gen Appletart, Dakota Voegeli-Paulson & Suton Paulson, Arlington

Summer Yearling (13)

1. (B&O) Mell-View Unix Marianne-ET, Mell-View Farms, Poynette

2. Mell-View Unix Marilyn-ET, Mell-View Farms, Poynette

3. Heatherstone Ruffian-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo

4. (1JR) Warmka Latenite 4032-Red, Kelby & Elizabeth Fossum & Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi

5. Walk-Era Warrior Malitta, Walk-Era Farms Inc., Wisconsin Dells

6. Bur-Wall Sidekick Randi, Wallace Behnke, Brooklyn

7. (2JR) Hammertime Doorman Renee, Paige Sweatt, Dane

8. (3JR, JrB&O) Boeld Hanans Elvira, BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

9. (4JR) Wells-Holm Anlst Tucker-Red, Derek Gehin, Baraboo

10. Ladyrose Verifying-ET, Rosedale Genetics Ltd, Oxford

Spring Yearling (10)

1. (B&O) Mell-View Sidekick Dotsy, Mell-View Farms, Poynette

2. Hammertime Sidekick Nummy, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette

3. (1JR, JrB&O) Boeld Moovin to Delphi-Red, BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

4. Ladyrose Visionofclarity-TW, Rosedale Genetics & F & D Borba, Oxford

5. Walk-Era Sidekick Amira, Walk-Era Farms Inc., Wisconsin Dells

6. (2JR) Protege Sidekick Raci, Peyton, Hadley & Kelby Voegeli, Poynette

7. Ladyrose Comma Tothe Top-TW, Rosedale Genetics & F & D Borba, Oxford

8. Riedel-Ridge Doodles-Red, Taylor & Miranda Riedel, Pardeeville

9. KnH-Endres Artist Avocado, KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

10. (3JR) Meyervilla Atwd Nonsense-ET, Vann Ambort, Spring Green

Winter Yearling (2)

1. (1JR) Opsal A Cerveza-Red, Paige Sweatt, Dane

2. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Wargo-Acres Della Mae, Gavin Carncross, Lodi

Fall Yearling (7)

1. (B&O) Walk-Era Doc Kazzie, Walk-Era Farms Inc., Wisconsin Dells

2. Exquisite Moovn Clarissa-ET, Ben Bruss, Gina Mittelstadt & Dana Powell, Markesan

3. (1JR) Vo-Grin Upgrade Acoustic, Hadley Voegeli, Poynette

4. (2JR, JrB&O) Big Ten Summers Final Kiss, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

5. KnH-Endres Artist Onyx, KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

6. (3JR) Glenn-Ann Radio Spark, Derek Gehin, Baraboo

7. (4JR) Wargo-Acres Ela Rae-ET, Gavin Carncross, Lodi

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Lyn-Vale Master Kenley, Ava & Ivy Hebgen, DeForest

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Warmka Latenite 4032-Red, Kelby & Elizabeth Fossum & Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi

Junior Champion of the Show: Mell-View Sidekick Dotsy, Mell-View Farms, Poynette

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Hammertime Tstorm Rissa-ET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette

Junior Best Three (5)

1. Mell-View Farms, Poynette

2. Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette

3. Walk-Era Farms Inc., Wisconsin Dells

4. Big Ten, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

5. BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

Junior 2-Year-Old (3)

1. (BU, B&O) Rosedale Back Stabber, Rosedale Genetics Ltd, Oxford

2. Wargo-Acres Doc 3707, Wargo Acres, Lodi

3. Redcarpet Bliz September-ET, Richard Breunig, Manitowoc

Senior 2-Year-Old (4)

1. (BU, B&O) Wildweed Warrior Maui-Red, Frank Behling, Randolph

2. KnH-Endres Jord Piccolo-Red, KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

3. Heatherstone Romance-Red-ET, Chelsea Holschbach, Baraboo

4. (1JR) Riedel-Ridge Roxanne-Red, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

Junior 3-Year-Old (2)

1. (BU, Prod) Cow-Palace Doppler 4123-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo

2. (B&O) KnH-Endres Doorman Axl, KnH-Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

Senior 3-Year-Old (6)

1. (BU) Duckett Unix Gloria-ET, Paradise Rueth, Oxford

2. (B&O) Heatherstone Goldn Touch-ET, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo

3. (1JR, Prod) Ms Lockets Crshbull Love-ET, Audrey Gartman, Sheboygan

4. Synergy Smashing-Red-ET, KnH Endres Farm LLC & Martin Kinyon, Reedsburg

5. (2JR) Crescentmead Wondergirl-Red, Lauren Jones, Prairie du Sac

6. Hahncrest Jordy Nemo-Red-ET, Dalton Hahn, Loganville

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Duckett Unix Gloria-ET, Paradise Rueth, Oxford

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Rosedale Back Stabber, Rosedale Genetics Ltd, Oxford

4-Year-Old (5)

1. (BU, Prod) Rickhaven Solomon Polly, Heatherstone Enterprises, M Kinyon & B Flannery, Baraboo

2. (B&O) Rosedale A Raving Beauty-ET, Rosedale Genetics Ltd, Oxford

3. Budjon-Vail Brewers A-Game, KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

4. Ladyrose Vibrance-ET, Rosedale Genetics & F & D Borba, Oxford

5. KnH-Endres Jacoby Oh Yeah, KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

5-Year-Old (1)

1. (BU, Prod) Neldell Hurricane 3945, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo

6-Year-Old & Older (1)

1. (BU, B&O) KnH-Endres Abso Pharoah-Red, KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

150,000 lb. Cow (0)

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Big Ten Handsome Flirt, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Ms Lockets Crshbull Love-ET, Audrey Gartman, Sheboygan

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Riedel-Ridge Roxanne-Red, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

Senior & Grand Champion and Best Udder of the Show: Rickhaven Solomon Polly, Heatherstone Enterprises, M Kinyon & B Flannery, Baraboo

Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Rosedale A Raving Beauty-ET, Rosedale Genetics Ltd, Oxford

Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Duckett Unix Gloria-ET, Paradise Rueth, Oxford

Champion Bred & Owned of the Show: Rosedale Back Stabber, Rosedale Genetics Ltd, Oxford

Best Three Females (0)

Produce of Dam (2)

1. Big Ten, Rebecca & Carter Murphy, Poynette

2. BOELD Genetics, B, O, E & L Dorshorst, Lodi

Dam & Offspring (0)

Premier Breeder: KnH Endres Farm LLC, Reedsburg

Premier Exhibitor: Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo


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