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2023 District 3 Holstein Show

2023 District 3 Holstein Show

Grant County Fairgrounds, Lancaster • Friday, June 30

Judge Brian Coyne

151 head shown (115 heifers, 36 cows)

Spring Calf, exhibitors 10 & under (15)

1. (B&O) Gildale Chief Swiftie-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale

2. Kamps-Rx-DB Afterparty-Red, Reggie & Krysty Kamps & Dennis Bowers, Darlington

3. Siemers Alt Gameover-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington

4. (1JR) Hartleys Unix Natalie, E & N Giddings & C, W & B Braun, Soldiers Grove

5. Gildale Chief Starbright-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale

6. Dridge Altitude Arie-Red-ET, Darlington Ridge Farms LLC, Darlington

7. Hartleys Doc Dusk, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove

8. Lazy-M Show Biz, Michael Maier, Stitzer

9. (2JR) Luck-E Awesome Tommygirl, Cash & Calleen Flannery, Hollandale

10. Hartleys Gold Chip Gummi, Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove

(JrB&O) Road-View Over Addicted-Red, Haylee and Grant Yager, Mineral Point

Spring Calf (12)

1. (B&O) Gildale Chief Swiftie-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale

2. (1JR, JrB&O) Nobland Altitude Heartland, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

3. Kamps-Rx-DB Afterparty-Red, Reggie & Krysty Kamps & Dennis Bowers, Darlington

4. (2JR) JFD Hanans GTO 1486, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld

5. Dridge Altitude Alix-Red-ET, Darlington Ridge Farms LLC, Darlington

6. (3JR) Hartleys Unix Natalie, E & N Giddings & C, W & B Braun, Soldiers Grove

7. Dridge Tstorm Avree-ET, Ma-Brown Holsteins, Dodgeville

8. Weigland Denver Annie-ET, K, K & K Weigel & C & C Flannery, Platteville

9. (4JR) Road-View Over Addicted-Red, Haylee & Grant Yager, Mineral Point

10. Luck-E Doc Aspire, Cash & Calleen Flannery, Hollandale

Winter Calf (23)

1. (1JR) Weigland Angels Envy-ET, Luke Trustem & Payton Calvert, Cuba City

2. (B&O) Tombeth Egnite A Flame, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills

3. (2JR, JrB&O) Hopeful Smrfest Ace of Base, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld

4. (3JR) GBM Jill Snickers, Grant Moret, Prairie du Chien

5. Kamps-Rx Applb Amaze-Red-ET, Kylee Hathaway, Hollandale

6. Ms SR-TK Aflame Roxy-Red, Thomas, Elizabeth & Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills

7. (4JR) Weigland Gold Chip Ella Mae, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

8. (5JR) Ms Weigland Hndshk Excitabl, K, K & K Weigel & M Niemeier, Platteville

9. (6JR) Elmlo Crushtime Electric, Makenna Martin, Mineral Point

10. (7JR) Nobland Showtime Wrenlyn, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

Fall Calf (20)

1. (B&O) Kamps-Rx Appleb A Diva-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington

2. Oppriecht America-ET, Thomas Oppriecht, Eastman

3. (1JR, JrB&O) Nobland Showtime Kambry, Macie Noble, Lancaster

4. (2JR) W-Pine-Grove Show Ready, Randy, Wesley & Matthew Winch, Fennimore

5. (3JR) St-Yle-SA I Showtime-Red-ET, Allison Adrian, Platteville

6. Ma-Brown Denver Chai, Danielle Brown, Dodgeville

7. (4JR) Hopeful Show Appeal, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld

8. (5JR) W-Pine-Grove War Queen-Red, Matthew Winch, Fennimore

9. Marstead Tatoo 674, Michael Martin, Mineral Point

10. Erbacres Abbi-Red-ET, Michael Maier, Stitzer

Summer Yearling (13)

1. (B&O) Kamps-Rx Appleb Ayla-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington

2. (1JR, JrB&O) Lars-Acres Master Level-ET, Luke Trustem & Payton Calvert, Cuba City

3. Sunny-Valley Show Fanatic, Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie

4. (2JR) Wideopen-Vue Journey Dancer, K, K & K Weigel & C & C Flannery, Platteville

5. Lazy-M Jordy Rumble-Red-ET, Michael Maier, Stitzer

6. (3JR) Hy-View Denver Liberty, Aisja Achenbach Horton, Eastman

7. (4JR) Double Ks Dback Val, Kyra Chrostowski, Hollandale

8. (5JR) Lars-Acres Mstr Lockdown-ET, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld

9. (6JR) Weigland King Doc Calyn, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

10. Wideopen-Vue King Doc Tina, Jeffrey & Melissa Flannery, Hollandale

Spring Yearling (11)

1. (B&O) Kamps-Rx Tstorm Afterall, R & K Kamps, D Bowers & R Krohlow, Darlington

2. TJD-Genetics Denvr Royal-ET, Travis Dammen, Argyle

3. (1JR, JrB&O) Weigland Denver Alexari-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

4. (2JR) Weigland Denver Alexada-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

5. (3JR) Jeffrey-Way Tatoo Tannik-ET, M, E, N, J & B Gilbertson & G & H Flannery, Hollandale

6. (4JR) Hartleys Sidekick Cream-TW, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove

7. (5JR) Hartleys Crushabull Carrie, E & N Giddings & C, W & B Braun, Soldiers Grove

8. (6JR) U-Ce-A Licorice-Red, Kayla Buttles, Lancaster

9. JD-Pride Wb Jewel, Thomas Oppriecht, Eastman

10. (7JR) Wack-E-View Showtime Echo, John & Katie Wackershauser, Platteville

Winter Yearling (12)

1. (1JR) Jeffrey-Way Ashley-Red, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville

2. Ala-Moo Smr Ruthann-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps & Dennis Bowers, Darlington

3. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Weigland Tstorm Alexava-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

4. (3JR) Nobland Warr White Elephant, Macie Noble, Lancaster

5. Oppriecht Doc Altitude, Thomas Oppriecht, Eastman

6. (4JR) Hy-View Conclusion Karolyn, Aisja Achenbach Horton, Eastman

7. (5JR) Hartleys Warrior Willow, E & N Giddings & C, W & B Braun, Soldiers Grove

8. TJD-Genetics Chief Candy, Travis Dammen, Argyle

9. (6JR) Road-View Love and War, Haylee Yager, Mineral Point

10. (7JR) Hartleys Warrior Rosie-Red, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove

Fall Yearling (9)

1. Siemers A Hot 36141-Red-ET, Darlington Ridge Farms LLC, Darlington

2. (1JR) Reyncrest A Go Getter-ET, Macie & Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

3. Ms Beautys Thunderstorm-ET, Thomas Oppriecht, Eastman

4. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Hopeful Artist AC-DC, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld

5. (3JR) Ms Gildale Goldw Saphire-ET, M, E, N, J & B Gilbertson, G & H Flannery & K Hardy, Hollandale

6. Road-View Tessas Totem Pole, Road View Dairy, Mineral Point

7. (4JR) Weigland Doc Alexanns Alyx, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

8. Wideopen-Vue Ammo Arby-Red, Jeffrey & Melissa Flannery, Hollandale

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Reyncrest A Go Getter-ET, Macie & Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Jeffrey-Way Ashley-Red, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Heifer Show: Lars-Acres Master Level-ET, Luke Trustem & Payton Calvert, Cuba City

Junior Champion of the Show & Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Kamps-Rx Tstorm Afterall, R & K Kamps, D Bowers & R Krohlow, Darlington

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Siemers A Hot 36141-Red-ET, Darlington Ridge Farms LLC, Darlington

Junior Best Three (2)

1. Kamps-Rx, Darlington

2. Weigland Holsteins, Platteville

Summer Junior 2-Year-Old (3)

1. (BU, B&O) Kamps-Rx Aplb Archer-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps & Joe Casper, Darlington

2. Ms Freakout Headbanger, Ma-Brown Holsteins, Dodgeville

3. Ma-Brown Denver Beyonce, Angela Davis Brown, Dodgeville

Junior 2-Year-Old (5)

1. (BU, B&O) Kamps-Rx Apb Aprada-Red-ET, Demi Kamps, Darlington

2. Tombeth Radio Lovestruck, Jason & Bailee Kearns, Gays Mills

3. (1JR, JrB&O) Nobland Crushabull Iraq, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

4. Weigland Tstrm Alexeegin-ET, Ma-Brown Holsteins, Dodgeville

5. (2JR) Road-View Reeves Remedy-Red, Haylee Yager, Mineral Point

Senior 2-Year-Old (10)

1. (BU, 1JR, B&O, JrB&O) River-Divide Addison Bailee, Keaton, Lexi & Ivan Junk & Julia Searls, Cobb

2. Kamps-Rx Aplb Amiyah-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington

3. Tombeth Cheers Lighthouse, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills

4. (2JR) Kamps-Rx Appleb Alondra-ET, Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

5. (3JR) Clear-I Chief Francesca, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville

6. Golden-Oaks Moovin Ida-ET, Travis Dammen, Argyle

7. (4JR) BHHD Daniel Mayhem, Chalee Line, Fennimore

8. Road-View Love or Luster-P, Road View Dairy, Mineral Point

9. (5JR) Trent-Way Shot-Red-ET, Randy, Wesley & Matthew Winch, Fennimore

10. (6JR) Remarc Cnc My Maria, Trapper & Jarvie Nafzger, Mineral Point

Junior 3-Year-Old (1)

1. (BU) Morets Dback Amber-Red, Arnold & Sue Klema, Eastman

Senior 3-Year-Old (6)

1. (BU, 1JR, B&O, Prod) Nobland Denver Wilbur, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

2. (2JR) Nobland Addison Dixie-Red, Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

3. Ma-Brown Diamondback Aella, Danielle Brown, Dodgeville

4. (3JR) M-Two Jordy Rosie-Red, Allison Adrian, Platteville

5. (4JR) Road-View Moving on Ross, Haylee Yager, Mineral Point

6. Powerhaus Tatoo Dana Rae, Jeremy Holthaus, Fennimore

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: River-Divide Addison Bailee, Keaton, Lexi & Ivan Junk & Julia Searls, Cobb

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Nobland Denver Wilbur, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Kamps-Rx Apb Aprada-Red-ET, Demi Kamps, Darlington

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Tombeth Radio Lovestruck, Jason & Bailee Kearns, Gays Mills

4-Year-Old (6)

1. (BU, 1JR, B&O, Prod) Clear-I Jacot Maple-Red, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville

2. Ms SR-TK Doppler Rocket-Red, Thomas, Elizabeth & Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills

3. (2JR) Our-Favorite She Vintage-ET, M, E, N, J & B Gilbertson, L Jenson & W Storms, Hollandale

4. (3JR, JrB&O) Nobland Tatoo White, Macie Noble, Lancaster

5. Ms Gildale Door Styles-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale

6. Kamps-Rx Dman Amazing-Red, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington

5-Year-Old (2)

1. (BU, B&O) Road-View Uptown Funk, Road View Dairy, Mineral Point

2. (Prod) Stone-Front Kingdoc Ingelise, Andrew Buttles, Lancaster

6-Year-Old & Older (3)

1. (BU, B&O, Prod) Tombeth Enveleeta-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills

2. (1JR) Nobland Armani Allie, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

3. (2JR) Fustead Doorman Emalyn-ET, Payton, Morgan & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City

150,000 lb. Cow (0)

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Nobland Crushabull Iraq, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Clear-I Jacot Maple-Red, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Our-Favorite She Vintage-ET, M, E, N, J & B Gilbertson, L Jenson & W Storms, Hollandale

Senior & Grand Champion of the Show, Champion Bred & Owned and Best Udder of the Show: Clear-I Jacot Maple-Red, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Ms SR-TK Doppler Rocket-Red, Thomas, Elizabeth & Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills

Best Three Females (1)

1. Kamps-Rx, Darlington

Produce of Dam (1)

1. Kamps-Rx, Darlington

Dam & Offspring (1)

1. Tombeth Holsteins, Gays Mills

Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Nobland Farms, Lancaster


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