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2021 District 10 Holstein Show

Saturday, June 26

Calumet County Fairgrounds, Chilton

Judge: Eddie Bue

179 head shown (123 heifers, 56 cows)

Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 and under (20)

1. (1JR, B&O) Hilrose Redlite Amy-Red-ET, Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier, Hilbert

2. Ms Anaylst Fistfight-Red-ET, Austen Schmidt & Brad Laack, Cascade

3. (2JR, JrB&O) Ms Mauk-E-Way Remington-Red, N, B, and J Mauk & A, C and Royce Booth, Plymouth

4. (3JR) Hilrose Moovin Athena, Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier, Hilbert

5. (4JR) Kress-Hill Suri-Red, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

6. Goldmist Royalcrush Panda, Nicole & Aaron Breunig, Manitowoc

7. (5JR) Ms Mauk-E-Way Vanessa-ET, N, B, and J Mauk & A, C and Royce Booth, Plymouth

8. (6JR) Vandoskes Denver Camilla-ET, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland

9. (7JR) Vir-Clar Tatoo 6308, C, K & G Grinstead and G & J Boyke, Fond du Lac

10. (8JR) Vir-Clar Doc 6310, Kian Kelroy, Fond du Lac

Spring Calf (15)

1. Burledge W Sasha Fierce-Red, Ray & Rae Nell Halbur, Fond du Lac

2. (1JR) Hilrose Redlite Amy-Red-ET, Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier, Hilbert

3. (2JR, JrB&O) Ryan-Vu Unix Rarity, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

4. Ms Anaylst Fistfight-Red-ET, Austen Schmidt & Brad Laack, Cascade

5. Ms Cow-Palace Select Alexa, Sara Feldmann, Sheboygan

6. (3JR) Ryan-Vu Unix Rabato, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

7. (4JR) E-Skinner Milio Happy-ET, Brianna Lemke, Chilton

8. Lyn-Vale Warrior Peppa-Red, William Schultz III, Waldo

9. Ez-Witt King Doc Daffodil, Taylor Wittmus & Eric Zwiefelhofer, Valders

10. Donru Alexa Warrior, James Gillett, Rosendale

Winter Calf (20)

1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth, Plymouth

2. Cow-Palace Tatoo Anna, San-Ron Holsteins, Sheboygan

3. (2JR) Kress-Hill Sunrose-Red, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

4. Bee-Bow Select Holiday, Nicholas Schuster, Fond du Lac

5. (3JR) Hilrose Master Glory, Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier, Sherwood

6. Lyn-Vale Doc Reminisce, William Schultz III, Waldo

7. Elmlo-Laack Flip Cup-Red-ET, Austen Schmidt & Brad Laack, Cascade

8. Ekfairview Bellamy Analyst, Katelyn Ward & Eric Enright, Cascade

9. Quad-R Denver Lauren-ET, Bentley, Blake, Brodie & Kylie Brantmeier, Sherwood

10. (4JR) Ryan-Vu Doc Marvelous-ET, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

Fall Calf (27)

1. (B&O) Hilrose Altitude Ariel-Red, Joseph Brantmeier, Sherwood

2. (1JR) 2nd-Look Master Blaster, Kaianne & Kaydence Hodorff, Eden

3. (2JR) Siemers Great 33929-Red-ET, Lauren Siemers & Brianna Meyer, Chilton

4. Luncrest Crul Adear 2245-ET, Austen Schmidt, Cascade

5. (3JR) Mauk-E-Way Thdrstrm Tez, Natalie Mae Mauk, Plymouth

6. (4JR, JrB&O) Ryan-Vu Raptor Chlorine, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

7. Miss Unstop Imallin-Red-ET, Eric Enright, Cascade

8. Ryan-Vu Tatoo Storytime, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

9. (5JR) Kress-Hill Suspense-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

10. (6JR) Cow-Palace Diamond Harmony, Logan Brass, Howards Grove

Summer Yearling (18)

1. (1JR) Sugar-C Warrior Lil Star, Nathan Piper & Karlee Zick, Pickett

2. (B&O) Lyn-Vale Master Gardenia, Amanda Schultz, Waldo

3. Elmlo Warrior Linda, Austen Schmidt, Cascade

4. Oakfield Denver Fairy-ET, Royal Vista Holsteins, Pickett

5. (2JR) Booth-Haven Lady Diana-Red, Cathryn Gunst, Pine River

6. (3JR, JrB&O) Ms Vandoske Warrior Arrow, Brianne Vandoske & Austin Radue, Cleveland

7. (4JR) Budjon Ho Always Dreamin-ET, Jordan & Brianna Lemke, Chilton

8. (5JR) Red-Brae Jordy Thierry, Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah

9. (6JR) 2nd-Look Warrior Lilah, Kaianne & Kaydence Hodorff, Eden

10. Heart&Soul Bf Angel-ET, Austen Schmidt & Brandon Ferry, Cascade

Spring Yearling (13)

1. Oakfield Unix Zoom-ET, Austen Schmidt, Cascade

2. Oakfield Unix Zipline-ET, Austen Schmidt & Luncrest Farm, Cascade

3. (1JR) Dreamhaven Doorman Bellabee, Maria, Brooke & Melanie Zillges, Larsen

4. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Maple-Edge Calendr Girl-Red, Logan Brass, Howards Grove

5. (3JR) Booth-Haven First Lady-Red, Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth, Plymouth

6. Kleinsview Jordy Venus-Red, Troy Klein, Waldo

7. (4JR) Ms Jimsu-Farm Jordy Izzy, Leah Longworth & Hayley Sleik, Pickett

8. (5JR) Meado-Brook Jordy 5112-ET, C, K & G Grinstead and G & J Boyke, Fond du Lac

9. (6JR) Vandoskes Crbul Cameron-ET, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland

10. (7JR) Smilaire Jaec, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

Winter Yearling (7)

1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Booth-Haven Pretty Lady-ET, Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth, Plymouth

2. Cow-Palace Warrior Aria-Red, San-Ron Holsteins, Sheboygan

3. Goldmist Altitude Juliet-ET, Nicole & Aaron Breunig, Manitowoc

4. (2JR) Jenlar Undenied Swizzle, Brianna, Austin & Abby Meyer, Chilton

5. Bee-Bow Unix Sherry, Austen Schmidt & Nicholas Schuster, Cascade

6. (3JR) Elladaire War Chloekim-Red, Ella, Adam & Clairie Bindl, Plymouth

7. (4JR) Jamsar Mcc Petuna Phoebe-ET, Laney & Alyssa Neuser, Reedsville

Fall Yearling (3)

1. (1JR) Leawood Aristo Rebecca-Red, Cathryn & Christopher Gunst, Pine River

2. (2JR, B&O) Ryan-Vu Drifter Retire, B & M Zillges, M Zillges and D & C Ryan, Fond du Lac

3. Gjerpen Doc Expressions-ET, Eric Haupt, Manitowoc

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Cole, Ava, Campbell and Royce Booth, Plymouth

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Booth-Haven Pretty Lady-ET, Cole, Ava, Campbell and Royce Booth, Plymouth

Junior Champion of the Show: Oakfield Unix Zoom-ET, Austen Schmidt, Cascade

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Cole, Ava, Campbell and Royce Booth, Plymouth

Junior Best Three (2)

1. Booth-Haven Holsteins

2. Hilrose Holsteins

Junior 2-Year-Old Cow (7)

1. (B&O) Kampy Tatoo Gold Rush-ET, Kamphuis Farms, Brandon

2. (1JR, JrB&O) Ryan-Vu Crush Nesiah, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

3. (2JR, BU) Jenlar Doc Shock, Brianna, Austin & Abby Meyer, Chilton

4. Oakfield Benefit Electric-ET, Kelly Jens, Sheboygan Falls

5. Fer-Crest Call the Police, Brandon Ferry, Hilbert

6. MD-Hillbrook Fudgie-Red-ET, Austen Schmidt & Brad Laack, Cascade

7. (3JR) Jt-Acres Tatoo Brownie, Nathan Piper, Omro

Senior 2-Year-Old Cow (10)

1. (B&O, BU) Chrisleacres Undenied Poise, Chris-Le-Acres, St. Cloud

2. Hilrose Tatoo Pepper, Jeff Brantmeier, Sherwood

3. (1JR) Jenlar Tatoo Spearmint, Brianna, Austin & Abby Meyer, Chilton

4. Elmlo Doorman Tundra-ET, James & Austen Schmidt, Cascade

5. Fer-Crest Uptown Girl, Brandon Ferry, Hilbert

6. (2JR) Smilaire Bliss, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

7. (3JR) Ryan-Vu Cinderdoor Round Up, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

8. (4JR) Kress-Hill Sleighbell-ET Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

9. Sunkiss Raptor South Paw-ET, Evan Schrauth & Eric Enright, Cascade

10. (5JR) Jeffrey-Way Denver Thaddea, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland

Junior 3-Year-Old (7)

1. (B&O, BU) Kampy-PW Dmndbck Jives-Red, Kamphuis Farms, Brandon

2. Lyn-Vale Jordy Fiona, William Schultz III, Waldo

3. Elmlo Vogue Ricki, Austen Schmidt, Cascade

4. Mission-Bell Pety Oakly-TW, Erin Jens, Sheboygan Falls

5. Hilrose Ammo-P Adorable, Joseph Brantmeier, Hilbert

6. KMZ Avalanche Shayna-ET, Kyle & Mariah Zimdars, Ripon

7. (Prod) Hilrose Kenosha Lola, Joseph Brantmeier, Hilbert

Senior 3-Year-Old (7)

1. (B&O, BU) Fer-Crest Lovestruck-ET, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

2. Ryan-Vu Doorman Maiti-ET, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

3. (1JR) MS Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

4. Bella-View Solomon Aruba, SPF Holsteins, St. Cloud

5. (2JR, Prod) Lyn-Vale Rainy Day-Red-ET, Brianne Vandoske & Austin Radue, Cleveland

6. (3JR) Budjon-Vail Atomic Bomb-ET, Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah

7. Kampy Doorman Braelyn, Kamphuis Farms, Brandon

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Chrisleacres Undenid Poise, Chris-Le-Acres, St. Cloud

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Fer-Crest Lovestruck-ET, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

4-Year-Old (8)

1. (BU) Milksource Byway Amazon-ET, James, Ben & Nathan Gillett, Rosendale

2. (B&O) Fer-Crest Dickey Election, Brandon Ferry, Hilbert

3. Hilrose Doorman Andorra, Joseph Brantmeier, Sherwood

4. Kampy Cairo Pansy, Kamphuis Farms, Brandon

5. (1JR) Berryridge Kingboy 3256, Karlee Zick & Nathan Piper, Pickett

6. (2JR) OCD Leap of Fate-Red-ET, Matthew, Elizabeth, Cathryn & Christopher Gunst, Pine River

7. (3JR, Prod) Valley-Drive Jacoby Tarawa, Emily & Austin Stumpf, Campbellsport

8. Bradbo Diamondback Namaste, Bradbo Farms, Pickett

5-Year-Old (8)

1. (B&O, BU) Ms Kresshil Sunkiss-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

2. Fer-Crest Rginald Trixie-ET, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

3. Ryan-Vu Brady Drizzle, Evan Schrauth, Waupun

4. Jeffrey-Way Beemer T-Bella, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

5. Kampy Atwood Izzy, Kamphuis Farms, Brandon

6. Brite-Side Bayonet 849, Gary Boyke, Fond du Lac

7. (Prod) Milkinaire Deman Allstar, Milkinaire Dairy, Two Rivers

8. Dm-Don-Sher Recharge Lilly, Ben & Abbie Smith, Plymouth

6-Year-Old and Older Cow (5)

1. (B&O, BU) Ryan-Vu Armani Design-Red, Chad & Mark Ryan, Fond du Lac

2. (Prod) Luck-E Anaheim Airforce-ET, Milkinaire Dairy, Two Rivers

3. Elmlo Atlantic Lexi, Austen Schmidt, Cascade

4. Mission-Bell Pitbull Oneida, Erin Jens, Sheboygan Falls

5. Hiddenway Okalibur Mercer, Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

150,000-Pound Cow (4)

1. (BU) Ladinodale Ladd P Ava-Red, Kamphuis Farms, Brandon

2. (B&O) Hilrose Braxton Apricot-ET, Joseph Brantmeier, Sherwood

3. Hiddenway Sahara Maroon, Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

4. (Prod) Hilrose Darwynn Angie-Red, Joseph Brantmeier, Sherwood

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Ryan-Vu Crush Nesiah, Dylan and Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Lyn-Vale Rainy Day-Red-ET, Brianne Vandoske & Austin Radue, Cleveland

Senior Champion of the Show: Ryan-Vu Armani Design-Red, Chad & Mark Ryan, Fond du Lac

Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Ms Kresshil Sunkiss-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

Grand Champion, Champion Bred & Owned and Best Udder of the Show: Ryan-Vu Armani Design-Red, Chad & Mark Ryan, Fond du Lac

Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Chrisleacres Undenied Poise, Chris-Le-Acres, St. Cloud

Best Three Females (3)

1. Elmlo Holsteins

2. Kamphuis Farms

3. Hilrose Dairy

Produce of Dam (2)

1. Kress-Hill Dairy

2. Hilrose Dairy

Dam and Offspring (3)

1. Hilrose Dairy

2. Kress-Hill Dairy

3. BradBo Farms

Premier Breeder: Brandon and Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

Premier Exhibitor: Kamphuis Farms, Brandon


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