2017 District 5 Show Results
Sauk County Fairgrounds • Baraboo, WI Judge: Eric Westphal 81 total shown (61 heifers and 20 cows)
Spring Calf (10 & Under) (6 shown) 1. B&O F Fine Miss Diamondback – Chris Firary, Fall River 2. Protégé Dback Rose Petal – Colt & Nikki Voegeli, Arlington 3. Sorg-Land Farve Halston – Steven & Connie Sorg, Spring Green 4. Sorg-Land Adorable-Red – Taylor & Kelsey Riedel, Mazomanie 5. Sorg-Land Stone Appaloosa – Steven & Connie Sorg, Spring Green 6. KNH-Endres Absolute Finley – Cole, Tyler & Mikayla Endres, Lodi
Spring Calf (7 shown) 1. B&O KNH-Endres Shot In The Dark – Tyler Endres, Lodi 2. 1JR Bu-Lo-Ridge Arcrv Sass 1591 – Arlyn Fossum, Lodi 3. Protégé Dback Rose Petal – Colt & Nikki Voegeli, Arlington 4. KNH-Endres Absolute Finley – Cole Endres, Lodi 5. 2JR, JRB&O Just-A-Hill Storyteller – Tarek Horken, Reedsburg 6. 3JR MRSprech Dback Licorice-ET – Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City 7. MRSprech Dback Lushious-ET – Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City
Winter Heifer Calf (12 shown) 1. B&O Walk-Era Doorman Mercy-ET – Walk-Era Farms, Inc., Wisconsin Dells 2. Heatherstone Goodasgold-ET – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 3. Heatherstone Msindependent – Chelsea Holschbach, Baraboo 4. 1JR, JRB&O MRSprech Doorman Pure Class – Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City 5. Hammertime Dback Ruby-ET – Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette 6. Hammertime Dback Rea Rae-ET – Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette 7. Hammertime Dback Remmy-ET – Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette 8. Heatherstone Golden Rule-ET – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 9. Sorg-Land Guthrie Carmody – Steven & Connie Sorg, Spring Green 10. Tree-Hayven Brkw Adelina-ET – Mikayla Endres, Lodi
2JR (11th overall) Kimper-Del Shottle Chocolate – Kaylie Mosher, Poynette
Fall Heifer Calf (11 shown) 1. 1JR, B&O Walk-Era Doorman Marina-ET – Alli Walker, Wisconsin Dells 2. Heatherstone Ritzy-ET – Chelsea Holschbach, Baraboo 3. Hahncrest McCutch Dreamgirl – Daniel Hahn, Loganville 4. Walk-Era Door Monumental-ET – Walk-Era Farms, Inc., Wisconsin Dells 5. 2JR, JRB&O KNH-Endres DB Jaycee-TW – Mikayla Endres, Lodi 6. 3JR Elon Dback Adeline 1555-ET – Sela & Kelby Fossum, Lodi 7. 4JR Lyn-Vale Avalanch Rimona-ET – Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City 8. 5JR DJLPurepride B Partygirl-ET – Austin Rider, Prairie du Sac 9. Tirawley Goldchip Linda – Abigail Herritz, Camp Douglas 10. Just-A-Hill Defiant Maeville – Joette Horkan, Reedsburg
Summer Yearling Heifer (6 shown) 1. B&O Hammertime Abs Revalee-ET – Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette 2. 1JR Walk-Era Blake Macy – Alli Walker, Wisconsin Dells 3. Heatherstone Reveal-Red-ET – Bailey Sersland, Rock Springs 4. 2JR Kin-Land Mogul Happy – Levi Kindschi, Loganville 5. Jo-Line Montross Deanna – Joe Meyer & Sons, Reedsburg 6. 3JR Miss Armani Dutchess-Red – Hallie Kepple, Baraboo
Spring Yearling Heifer (8 shown) 1. Ruann Charity-60218-Red – Kaylie Zapalac & Melissa Sprecher, Arlington 2. B&O Heatherstone Revenant-ET – Chelsea Holschbach, Baraboo 3. 1JR, JRB&O KNH-Endres Dempsey Oh No – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi 4. 2JR Walk-Era Drm Justamiricle – Alli Walker, Wisconsin Dells 5. 3JR KNH-Endres Made U Look-Red – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi 6. Volker Hovden Dvn Intrvtion – Dan Hovden & Rosedale Genetics, Oxford 7. 4JR Driftline Armani Lola – Sarah Hagenow, Poynette 8. 5JR JJ-Haag Brokaw Unique – Sela & Kelby Fossum, Lodi
Winter Yearling Heifer (7 shown) 1. 1JR, B&O, JRB&O MRSprech Drm Expression-ET – Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City 2. 2JR Bella-Ridge Doorman Gem-ET – Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi 3. 3JR Adanndur Gold Chip Jezi – Sela & Kelby Fossum, Lodi 4. 4JR KNH-Endres Defiant Oakley – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi 5. Heatherstone Celebrity-ET – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 6. Tree-Hayven Awesome Mae – Taylor Riedel & Miranda Randall, Mazomanie 7. Hahncrest Carson Fire-Red – Dalton Hahn, Loganville
Fall Yearling Heifer (4 shown) 1. B&O Rosedale Look Whos Talking – Rosedale Genetics, Oxford 2. MS Ladybird-ET – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 3. Sorg-Land Redneck Party-Red – Taylor & Kelsey Riedel, Mazomanie 4. 1JR Hilrose Acme Aurora – Austin Rider, Prairie du Sac
Junior Champion of the Jr Show - Walk-Era Doorman Marina-ET – Alli Walker, Wisconsin Dells Reserve Junior Champion of Jr Show - Walk-Era Blake Macy – Alli Walker, Wisconsin Dells
Junior Champion of the Open Show - Hammertime Abs Revalee-ET – Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show - Walk-Era Doorman Marina-ET – Alli Walker, Wisconsin Dells
Junior Best Three Females (4 shown) 1. Walk-Era Farms, Inc., Wisconsin Dells 2. Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 3. Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette 4. Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi
Junior Two-Year-Old (4 shown) 1. BU, B&O Rosedale Play Hard to Get – Rosedale Genetics, Ltd., Oxford 2. Heatherstone Borealis – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 3. Heatherstone Brighton – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 4. Just-A-Hill Moorgold Cadbury – Tracey Hurkon, Reedsburg
Senior Two-Year-Old (6 shown) 1. BU, B&O Heatherstone Cantina – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 2. Tirawley Goldchip Tierny – Thomas Barrett, Camp Douglas 3. 1JR, JRB&O KNH-Endres Bradnick Oasis – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi 4. Heatherstone Jamboree-ET – Chelsea Holschbach, Baraboo 5. 2JR Desperle Breeze Atwood – Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City 6. Bass-Val GW Atwood Jaya – Ryan & Cletus Bass, Reedsburg
Junior Three-Year-Old (1 shown) 1. B&O BU Bass-Val Brady Bernice – Ryan & Cletus Bass, Reedsburg
Senior Three-Year-Old (2 shown) 1. BU Gamblin Armani Glade – Dan Hovden & Rosedale Genetics, Ltd., Oxford 2. 1JR, JRB&O, B&O KNH-Endres Baltimer Offense – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi
Intermediate Champion – Junior Show: KNH-Endres Baltimor Offense – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi Reserve Intermediate Champion – Junior Show: KNH-Endres Bradnick Oasis – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi
Intermediate Champion - Open Show: Gamblin Armani Glade – Dan Hovden & Rosedale Genetics, Ltd., Oxford Reserve Intermediate Champion - Open Show: Heatherstone Cantina – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo
Four-Year-Old (3 shown) 1. BU, B&O Heatherstone Rhinestone-Red – Chase Holschbach, Baraboo 2. Rosedale Worth Repeating-ET – Brian Gunkelman, Oxford 3. Bass-Val Gold Chip Pati – Ryan & Cletus Bass, Reedsburg
Five-Year-Old (3 shown) 1. BU Arethusa Wind Avacado-ET – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo 2. 1JR OCD Hero Tea Leoni-ET – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi 3. Hagemans Durm-R Amelia-Red – Janelle Bruner, Arlington
Six-Year-Old & Older (1 shown) 1. BU, B&O Kinyon Shottle Chick – Martin Kinyon, Lone Rock
150,000 lb. Cow (0 shown)
Bred & Owned of the Junior Show – KNH-Endres Baltimor Offense – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi
Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show - OCD Hero Tea Leoni-ET – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show – KNH-Endres Baltimor Offense – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi
Senior Champion of the Open Show - Arethusa Wind Avacado-ET – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo Reserve Senior Champion of the Open Show - OCD Hero Tea Leoni-ET – Tyler, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lodi
Grand Champion of the Open Show - Gamblin Armani Glade – Dan Hovden & Rosedale Genetics, Ltd., Oxford Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show - Arethusa Wind Avacado-ET – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo

Reserve Grand Champion and Grand Champion of the Open Show
Best Udder of the Show – Gamblin Armani Glade – Dan Hovden & Rosedale Genetics, Ltd., Oxford
Champion Bred & Owned of the Show – Heatherstone Cantina – Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo
Best Three Females (1 shown) 1. Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo
Produce of Dam (0 shown)
Dam & Offspring (0 shown)
Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor: Heatherstone Enterprises, Inc., Baraboo