2017 District 3 Show Results
Grant County Fairgrounds • Lancaster, WI Judge: Nick Sarbacker 198 total shown (137 heifers and 61 cows)
Spring Calf (10 & Under) (15 shown) 1. 1JR Hams Levrage Tornado-Red-ET – Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld 2. 2JR, JRB&O, B&O Hopeful Diamond Annabell-Red – Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld 3. Gildale Absolute Tiana – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 4. Windy-Valley Drak Aylee-Red – Amy Ruegsegger, Shullsburg 5. 3JR Hartleys Loveman Lily – Emma M. & Natalie Jo Giddings, Soldiers Grove 6. 4JR Larlee Dback Eternity-Red – Jarvie Wayne Samuel Nafzger, Mineral Point 7. 5JR Nobland Diamondback Tatiana – Ainsley, Macie, & Drew Noble, Lancaster 8. 6JR Weigland Megawatt Daisy-Red – K, K, K, D, B, & B Weigel, Platteville 9. Hartleys Dback Delight – Hillary R. Hartley, Soldiers Grove 10. Gildale Hypnotic Snow White – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
Spring Calf (11 shown) 1. B&O, Hi-Lo-Valley Crush Viola – Ashley Yager, Highland 2. Ms Style SM Crystal - Black Diamond Syndicate, Belmont 3. 1JR, Hams Levrage Tornado-Red-ET - Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld 4. 2JR, JRB&O Hopeful Diamnd Anaabell-Red – Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld 5. 3JR Ms Ernest-Anthony Libby – Alek & Brooke Krueger & Porter Calvert, Hazel Green 6. Sunny-Valley Dbk Fire-Red – Wayne R. DeBuhr, Sun Prairie 7. Wiscit McCutchen Jessie – University of Wisconsin Platteville, Platteville 8. GBM Beemer Layla – Gregory & Kimberly Moret, Prairie du Chien 9. 4JR Nobland Beemer Australian – Drew Noble, Lancaster 10. Windy-Valley Drak Stela-Red – Amy Ruegsegger, Shullsburg Winter Heifer Calf (26 shown) 1. B&O Ms GBM Rkm Diamond Luxury – Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien 2. 1JR Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville 3. 2JR, JRB&O Hopeful Diamonds Madonna – Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld 4. Swanee-Acres Awsm Josie-Red – Jason Swanson, Capron, IL 5. 3JR Kamps-Rx Heztry Peony-Red – Payton, Morgan, & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City 6. 4JR Kepridge Defint Prevail-Red – Payton, Morgan, & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City 7. Gildale Sid Beverly-ET – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 8. St-Yle-Sa Itz Nighttime – Stephanie Aves, Belmont 9. Windy-Valley Doorman Happy – Amy Ruegsegger, Shullsburg 10. Oppride Damion Fantasy-ET – William J. Oppriecht, Eastman
Fall Heifer Calf (25 shown) 1. B&O Tombeth Corvette Elate – Thomas & Elzabeth Kearns, Gays Mills 2. AJ-Chance Okaliber Mira – Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont 3. 1JR Tombeth Ettakaw – Sarah R. Kearns, Gays Mills 4. Kamps-Rx Doorman Remedy-ET – Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington 5. 2JR Ruby-D Diamond Mauve-Red – Adylin Dieter & Alek Krueger, Hazel Green 6. Gildale Hypnotic Lucky – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 7. 3JR Budjon-Vail Hp Hz Jossie-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville 8. 4JR Ryan-Crest Sid Elsie-ET – John & Katie Wackershauser, Platteville 9. 5JR, JRB&O Moorclose Beemer Chloe – Madison, McKenzie, & Payton Calvert, Cuba City 10. 6JR Moorclose Beemer Kaylee – Madison, McKenzie, & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
Summer Yearling Heifer (20 shown) 1. B&O GBM KAM McCutchen Elvira – Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien 2. 1JR Ms Tora-Ranway Whiterose-ET – Alek T. & Brooke Krueger, Hazel Green 3. Sunny-Valley Dbk Flash-Red – Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie 4. Kepridge Goldchip Appletart – Kepridge Farms, Inc., Viola 5. Kamps-Hollow Glamourous – Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont 6. 2JR, JRB&O Ms Mickilcrest Mc Surprise – Payton, Morgan, & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City 7. Voigtscrest Diamondback Sky – Larry M. & Kim Voigts, Platteville 8. Kamps-Hollow A-Miracle-Red – Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington 9. 3JR Moorclose Avalanche Whine – Madison, McKenzie, & Payton Calvert, Cuba City 10. 4JR Nobland Brash Ramona – Ainsley, Drew, & Macie Noble, Lancaster
Spring Yearling Heifer (15 shown) 1. 1JR Fustead Doorman Emalyn-ET – Payton, Morgan, & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City 2. B&O Kamps-Rx Doorman Lilliana – Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington 3. Sunny-Valley C Frisbee-Red – Wayne R. DeBuhr, Sun Prairie 4. 2JR Huebsch-Hill Absolute Penny – John & Katie Wackershauser, Platteville 5. Gildale Armani Beauty – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 6. Swanee-Lee A Lap Dance-Red – Jason A. Swanson, Capron, IL 7. Hi-Lo-Valley Solo Nora-ET – Austin Yager, Highland 8. 3JR Windy-Valley Chrome Diamond – Adrianna M Lau, Shullsburg 9. Wiscit Airlift Jayden – University of Wisconsin Platteville, Platteville 10. Hi-Lo-Valley Deman Blair – Austin Yager, Highland
Winter Yearling Heifer (12 shown) 1. B&O Kamps-Hollow Twister-Red-ET – Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont 2. 1JR, JRB&O Ms Mickilcrest Bradnck Sage – Payton, Morgan, & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City 3. 2JR OCD Doorman Senora-ET - Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville 4. 3JR Ziems Brady Epiphany-ET – Nathan Daniels & Julia Searls, Cobb 5. Gildale Sid Matilda – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 6. 4JR Hartleys Gold Dream Twinkle – Emma M. & Natalie Jo Giddings, Soldiers Grove 7. Gildale Sid Bibbidy – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 8. 5JR Auntys County Hawaiin – Laura Gray, Livingston 9. Lindale Sid Ellie-ET – BCS-Genetics, Lancaster 10. Double-D Ladd Gwen-Red – Robert D. & Nancy L. Carns, Cuba City
Fall Yearling Heifer (13 shown) 1. Crescentmead Rhianna-ET – Madison Stumpf, Dodgeville 2. Kamps-Hollow Trisha-Red-ET – Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington 3. B&O Kamps-Hollow Jayde – Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont 4. 1JR Hahncrest Avenger – John & Katie Wackershauser, Platteville 5. Gildale Never Let Go-ET – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 6. 2JR Hahncrest Defi D Queen-Red – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel & Dale Hetke, Platteville 7. 3JR Weigland Doorman Adagirl-ET – Kaelyn C. Weigel, Platteville 8. 4JR Nobland Intergral Whiteout – Macie R. Noble, Lancaster 9. Exels Armani Fury-Red – C&C Genetics, Lancaster 10. 5JR Moorclose Beemer Wipeout – Madison, McKenzie, & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
Junior Champion of the Jr Show – Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville Reserve Junior Champion of Jr Show – Fustead Doorman Emalyn-ET – Payton, Morgan, & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City
Junior Champion of the Open Show – Ms GBM Rkm Diamond Luxury – Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien Reserve Junior Champion of the Open Show - Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
Junior Best Three Females (4 shown) 1. GBM Holsteins- Moret Family, Prairie du Chien 2. Sunny-Valley- Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie 3. TomBeth- Kearns Family, Gays Mills 4. Moorclose Holsteins- Calvert Family, Cuba City
Junior Two-Year-Old (15 shown) 1. B&O, BU Jas-K Capgain Tisha-Red-ET – Jason Kearns, Gays Mills 2. 1JR Stone-Front Practical-ET – Adrianna Lau, Lancaster 3. GBM Beemer Jillyn-ET – Greg & Kimberly & Kayla Moret, Prairie du Chien 4. Jas-K Brazzle Embrazzle – Jason Kearns, Gays Mills 5. Hi-Lo-Valley Explode Hallie – Amber Yager, Highland 6. WI-Lazy-M Atwood Winnie – Michael Maier, Stitzer 7. Hopeful Gold Award – Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld 8. GBM KAM McCutchen Elizabeth – Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien 9. 2JR Hartleys Brady Boo – Emma M. & Natalie Jo Giddings, Soldiers Grove 10. Kamps-Hollow Arielle-Red-ET – Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld
Senior Two-Year-Old (12 shown) 1. BU Toppglen Black Diamond – Black Diamond Syndicate, Belmont 2. B&O Kamps-Hollow A-Glory-Red – Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont 3. Hi-Lo-Valley Atwood Leonora – Austin Yager, Highland 4. Gildale Awood Nutcracker-ET – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 5. Hopeful Defiant is Amazing- Kyra R. & Kenzie M. Danz, Barneveld 6. Wiscit Carson Santababy-Red – University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville 7. 1JR, JRB&O Nobland Armani Addison – Ainsley A. Noble, Lancaster 8. Davidsonview Fever Demorne – Tessa Markart, Arena 9. 2JR Siemers Reginald Heart-ET – Nathan Daniels & Julia Searls, Cobb 10. Ma-Brown Dickey Arianne – Danielle Brown, Dodgeville
Junior Three-Year-Old (9 shown) 1. B&O Ma-Brown Atwood Plum – Angela Davis Brown, Dodgeville 2. BU Hi-Lo-Valley Petals-ET – Alyssa Yager, Highland 3. Gildale Atwood Barbo – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 4. Tombeth Atwood Kricket – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills 5. Ma-Brown Atwood Beegee – Angela Davis Brown, Dodgeville 6. 1JR (Production) Weigland Goldchip Bahamas – K, K, K, D, B, & B Weigel, Platteville 7. 2JR Nobland Atwood Wild – Ainsley, Drew, & Macie Noble, Lancaster 8. Tombeth Sid Amuse – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills 9. Hoch-Niedrig McCu Beau Irish – Clifford & Peggy Sue Jones, Arena
Senior Three-Year-Old (7 shown) 1. 1JR, BU Crescentmead Srvr Mabel-Red – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville 2. 2JR Jacobs Gold Chip Anabel-ET – Ethan & Emily Weier, Dodgeville 3. Scientific D Celia Rae-ETS – Ryan Kamps, Belmont 4. B&O Hi-Lo-Valley Zel Pantene – Alyssa Yager, Highland 5. 3JR Ragnar G W Atwood Angel – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville 6. 4JR Moorclose Amazing Cheeto – A, M, & D Noble & M, M, & P Calvert, Lancaster 7. (Production) Wiscit Sanchez Secret – University of Wisconsin Platteville, Platteville
Intermediate Champion - Jr Show: Crescentmead Srvr Mabel-Red – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville Reserve Intermediate Champion - Jr Show: Jacobs Gold Chip Anabel-ET – Ethan & Emily Weier, Dodgeville
Intermediate Champion - Open Show: Jas-K Capgain Tisha-Red-ET – Jason Kearns, Gays Mills Reserve Intermediate Champion - Open Show: Toppglen Black Diamond – Black Diamond Syndicate, Belmont
Four-Year-Old (8 shown) 1. 1JR, B&O KHW Ladd Arrested-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville 2. GBM KAM Atw Emerald – Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien 3. BU GBM Sho Redburst-Red-ET – Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien 4. (Production) Hi-Lo-Valley Seaver Hula – Amber Yager, Highland 5. Oppride Windbrook Famous – William J. Oppriecht, Eastman 6. Gildale Goldsun Shine – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 7. 2JR Nobland Goldsun Bling – Ainsley, Macie, & Drew Noble, Lancaster 8. 3JR Nobland Dusk Addie – Ainsley A. Noble, Lancaster
Five-Year-Old (6 shown) 1. BU, B&O (Production) Jas-K Goldchip Exclusive – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills 2. Oppride Shottle Faith-ET – William J. Oppriecht, Eastman 3. Kamps-Hollow Asenora-Red-ET – Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont 4. KHW Epic Aka-ET – Jordyn Kamps, Belmont 5. Gildale Aftershock Maria – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 6. Bray Private Lewayne – Rebeka L. Bray, Fennimore
Six-Year-Old & Older (3 shown) 1. BU, B&O (Production) Tombeth Shottle Enhance-ET – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills 2. Gildale Goldwyn Bella-ET – Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 3. Swanee-Acres Sd Jolly-Red – Jason A. Swanson, Capron, IL
150,000 lb. Cow (1 shown) 1. BU, B&O (Production) Miss Ad GBM Mayday-ET – Gregory & Kimberly Moret, Prairie du Chien
Bred & Owned of the Junior Show – Nobland Armani Addison – Ainsley A. Noble, Lancaster
Senior Champion of the Junior Show – KHW Ladd Arrested-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show – Nobland Goldsun Bling – Ainsley, Macie, & Drew Noble, Lancaster
Grand Champion of the Junior Show- KHW Ladd Arrested-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show- Crescentmead Srvr Mabel-Red – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
Senior Champion of the Open Show – Jas-K Goldchip Exclusive – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills Reserve Senior Champion of the Open Show - KHW Ladd Arrested-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
Grand Champion of the Open Show - Jas-K Goldchip Exclusive – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show - KHW Ladd Arrested-ET – Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

Reserve Grand Champion and Grand Champion of the Open Show
Best Udder of the Show - Jas-K Goldchip Exclusive – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Champion Bred & Owned of the Show - Jas-K Goldchip Exclusive – Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Best Three Females (1 shown) 1. GBM Holsteins, Prairie du Chien
Dam & Offspring (6 shown) 1. Tombeth Holsteins, Gays Mills 2. GBM Holsteins, Prairie du Chien 3. Black Diamond Syndicate, Belmont 4. Ma-Brown, Dodgeville 5. Jason Swanson, Capron, IL 6. Nobland Farms, Lancaster
Produce of Dam (2 shown) 1. KHW Genetics, Platteville - Produce of Kamps-Hollow Altitude 2. GBM Holsteins, Prairie du Chien - Produce of SD Heartbeat Dundee Ellie
Premier Breeder: GBM Holsteins/Morets Family Premier Exhibitor: Tombeth Holsteins/Kearns Family