2015 State Futurity Results
Judge: John Erbsen, Lanark, IL Saturday, August 15, 2015, 5:30 p.m. Wisconsin State Fair Park, Colliseum West Allis, WI
The 29th anniversary of the Wisconsin Holstein Futurity was another show stopping event! Exhibitors looked their best as they showcased 11 animals around the colliseum at the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis, WI.
1. (BU, Top Fat & Protein winner) Milksource Dty Tammy-Red-ET, G & L Wendorf and D & K Nickels, Ixonia
2. (Top Milk Production) Oeh-My Atwood Enso, Chase & Willow Oehmichen, Abbotsford
3. (1st Jr) Miss Summer Song-ET, Dawson & Kylie Nickels, Watertown
4. Miss Atwood Darcy, Joel Kietzman, Waunakee
5. (1st BO) Mar-Linda-K Damion Harmony, Nicole Wright, Watertown
6. Miss Guthrie Lacey, Chase & Willow Oehmichen, Abbotsford
7. Bleck Brady Hvezda Jingles, Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah
8. Jamsar Atwood Petunia-ET, James & Sarah Neuser, Reedsville
9. Crescentmead DRMFX Cherish, Kylie Nickels, Watertown
10. Miss Summer Serenade-ET, Summer Breeze Synicate, Ixonia
11. (1st JrBO) Jimdandy BW Glimmer-Red, McKenna & Coltin Coffeen, DePere
Best Dressed Junior: Nicole Wright, Mar-Linda-K Holsteins, Watertown
Best Dressed Female: Christa Wendorf, Summer Breeze Syndicate, Ixonia
Best Dressed Male: Joel Kietzman, Waunakee