2012 State Futurity Results
Judge: Paul Trapp, Taylor WI Saturday, August 11, 2012, 5:00 p.m. Wisconsin State Fair Park, Colliseum West Allis, WI
The 26th anniversary of the Wisconsin Holstein Futurity was another show stopping event! Exhibitors looked their best as they showcased 16 elegant cows around the colliseum at the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis, WI.
1. Siemers Goldwyn Glam, C, J, J, J, C & L Siemers, Newton (Best Udder, 1st Jr and B&O)

2. MS Crescentmead GLD Aqua-ET, Jordon & Whitney Ebert, Algoma (2nd Jr)

3. Dorsland Dundee Dosequis-TW, John Dorshorst, Junction City

4. Emerald-ACR-VR Flirtin-ET, Becky Hammann, Barron 5. Marah-Delight Distinct-ET, Chad & Mark Ryan, Fond du Lac 6. Heatherstone Razzy-Red-ET, Chelsea Holschbach, Baraboo 7. Indianhead Fine Triumph, Robert Schauf, Barron (Milk, Fat, Protein Winner)

8. Rosedale Dream Big-ET, Rosedale Genetics and Jordon and Whitney Ebert, Algoma 9. Philmardo Jolie Jasper, Kayli & Kalista Hodorff & Kyle Natzke, Fond du Lac 10. Krull Jasper Eventful, Cassy Krull, Lake Mills 11. Indianhead Jasper Emma-ET, Robert Schauf, Barron 12. Holtland Pronto Dakota, Holtland Holsteins, Fennimore 13. Emerald-ACR-VR Frilly-ET, Becky Hammann, Barron 14. Kinyon Jasper Julie, Sean Brown & Jessica James, Dodgeville 15. Krull Jasper Ember, Brian & Cindy Krull, Lake Mills 16. Krull Damion Ego, Carley Krull, Lake Mills
Best Dressed Junior: Carley Krull, Lake Mills

Best Dressed Female: Chelsea Holschbach, Baraboo

Best Dressed Male: Kyle Natzke, Fond du Lac