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Association Leadership

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is comprised of 12 individuals that represent the Wisconsin Holstein membership. The Board meets four times a year, and is responsible for guiding the Association and its members in the right direction.

Contact a Board Member

​Kurt Loehr, President


Joe Meyer, Vice President


Steve Maier, Secretary

Ralph Petersheim, 
Executive Committee


Brenda Murphy, Executive Committee


JR Boyke​


Brian Coyne


Patrick Crave​



Executive Director

Laura Wackershauser

800-223-4269 ext. 1

Director of Communications

Mara Budde

800-223-4269 ext. 2

Director of Marketing & Membership

EmmaRae Lubinski

800-223-4269 ext. 3


Membership involvement is essential to the success of WHA's events. Below is a list of committees with a brief description of each.

WHA members are welcome to be a part of the WHA committees they may call the WHA office at 800-223-4269 to ask to be a committee member or email us.


Member Programming & Young Adult

Treasure Quest, State Picnic and member promotions are just a few of the responsibilities of this committee, which usually meets at least twice a year. This group also focuses on barn meetings and topics.


Chair: Kurt Loehr


Futurity and Advocacy

The Wisconsin Holstein Futurity is held each year in coordination with the Open Show at the Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis. Help plan this 20+ year tradition, from decorations to sponsors, the exhibitor meal and more. Every input and hand helps to pull off a great show in West Allis.


Chair: Ty Hildebrandt


Shows  (Executive Show Committee & District Show Committee)

This committee focuses on helping shape the future of Wisconsin Holstein Association shows. 


Co-Chairs: Krista Luedtke 



This committee is responsible for reviewing and selecting scholarship award winners for WHA. In 2020, over $16,000 worth of scholarships were awarded to members of the association. This committee also helps with acquiring donations for fund-building auctions.





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